Criminal Defence Lawyer Beenleigh
Why work with Michael?
The wrong choice in a criminal lawyer can cost you dearly.
A mistake made at any stage of criminal proceedings can jeopardise your life and adversely impact your family so it’s crucial to obtain legal advice and protect your rights.
Throughout the various stages of criminal proceedings, even the slightest error can have far-reaching consequences, putting, your future, your reputation and your freedom in jeopardy.
It is essential to seek legal advice from a Beenleigh criminal lawyer and ensure that your rights are protected.
Every individual accused of committing a criminal offence deserves a formidable and eloquent advocate to speak on their behalf. This is particularly crucial if you are currently facing criminal charges in Beenleigh, or anywhere in Queensland for that matter.
In such cases, it is imperative to be represented by an unwavering and experienced criminal defence lawyer who has a proven track record of successfully representing clients across South East Queensland.
Look no further than Michael McMillan, a legal professional with extensive decades-long experience in Queensland, New South Wales, and across the entire country. Michael is a staunch advocate who tirelessly fights for his clients, striving to secure the most favourable outcomes in their cases.
To address your criminal matter effectively, do not hesitate to contact Michael McMillan immediately at (07) 5619 6860 or 0409 273 430 or send an enquiry online.
Reach out now to commence the discussion surrounding your unique circumstances.
Contact Michael McMillan immediately on (07) 5619 6860 or 0409 273 430 or send an enquiry online to discuss your criminal matter.
Enquire Now
Areas Of Law
Criminal charges are serious offences and could result in a term of imprisonment without the right legal counsel.
About Michael McMillan – A Criminal Lawyer Servicing Beenleigh, QLD
Facing criminal charges in a Beenleigh police station or courthouse can be both a daunting and overwhelming experience.
As an experienced lawyer with decades of experience, Michael understands that every individual going through this process deserves a strong and compassionate advocate by their side.
Michael’s passion for representing those who have been accused of a crime stems from his belief that everyone is entitled to a fair trial and to have their voice heard.
We’re On Your Side
Michael has dedicated his life to helping people like yourself to successfully navigate Australia’s complex legal system. He takes great pride in being able to provide his clients with knowledge, expertise and support during this difficult time.
With each case he handles, Michael approaches it with the utmost care and attention, understanding the gravity of the situation for his clients and their loved ones.
Don’t risk your freedom – Talk to Michael McMillan about your criminal matter before it’s too late.
Contact Michael McMillan immediately on (07) 5619 6860 or 0409 273 430 or send an enquiry online.

How Michael Can Help
Michael is available to represent you at any courthouse in and around Beenleigh. Alternatively, he can advise you about your legal matter at the local Police Station.
Beenleigh Magistrates
Police Station
Criminal Lawyer
Frequently Asked Questions
How much is a consultation?
An initial consultation costs $150.00 for a maximum of 1 hour. Often this is incorporated in the total being charged.
Is it advisable to speak to the police?
As a general rule, no one is required to answer any questions asked of them by the police. In fact, answering an investigating police officer’s questions will generally never assist you. More often than not, it will land you in more hot water.
Whenever spoken to by police remember your right to silence and immediately contact an experienced criminal lawyer.
The police have told me I don’t need a lawyer. Is that true?
This is one of the strangest questions I am ever asked. I wonder why anyone who has been charged by the police would think any advice then given to them by the police would be in their best interests. If the police are prosecuting you, they are the last people you should be taking advice from.
Everyone who has been charged with an offence should seek the assistance on an experienced criminal lawyer. Without one, you are maximising your chances of a disaster that will last a lifetime.
Can any lawyer handle my criminal matter?
The short answer to this; would you consult a podiatrist to fix a problem with your heart? Of course not.
Like most things in life, specialists are trained to deal with problems that others are not experienced with. If you consult a non criminal lawyer to deal with your criminal matter, you are putting your life in the hands of someone who might not know what they are doing.
Will I have to speak in court?
Unless it is a matter where I intend to take evidence from you in the witness box, I will ensure that you are not required to speak. Those who aren’t familiar with court procedures might inadvertently say the wrong thing. My years of experience mean that I will express all that needs to be said without asking you to speak in court at all.